Friday, September 16, 2011

I have Declared War with the Scale

Ok, so it has been a while since I posted anything. First, because my schedule has been insane but secondly because I was terribly discouraged. After the 1st week of my new way of eating I lost 4 lbs. After the 2nd week, I gained 3 lbs. So that is just a net of 1 lb lost in two weeks.

I know I shouldn't just rely on the scale and instead focus on how I feel and how my clothes fit but darn it, I want those stupid numbers to come down.

So... Scale, this is war! I dare you to move in the wrong direction. I will not be defeated. I will win!

That being said, here are some samples of what I have been eating and what exercise I have done to begin this battle. Also, I have a great recipe and tip to share with you.

Nutrition: (1712 calories; 87 protein; 247 carbs; 25 fiber)
2 waffles w/ butter and syrup
1 cup of milk
coffee with cream
1/2 Turkey Sandwich w/ hummus, sprouts, tomato, lettuce, cucumber
1/2 cup pineapple
Special K Chips w/ 2% cottage cheese
Special K Protein Bar
Portobello Pizza

RUN 3.3 miles

Nutrition: (1847 calories; 119 protein; 188 carbs; 25 fiber)
Special K Protein Plus Cereal w/ 1/% milk
2 slices of Toast with Peanut butter and cinnamon
Coffee with Cream
Grilled Chicken sandwich w/ cheese
Special K chips w/ cottage cheese
4 oz NY Strip Steak
Green beans/broccoli
1/2 baked potato w/ sour cream

Cycle 23 miles

Portobello Pizza (304 calories; 28 protein; 21 carbs; 7 fiber)

2 Large whole Portobello Mushroom Caps
1/2 cup Shredded Mozzarella
1/4 cup spaghetti sauce
olive oil

Scoop out the inside of the mushroom caps with a spoon
lightly coat the mushroom caps with olive oil
Bake the caps at 375 degrees for about 5 minutes

Spread the sauce and sprinkle the cheese in each mushroom cap
Return to the oven for another 10 minutes or until cheese is melted.

To get extra protein; try Special K baked chips and dip in Cottage Cheese. 15 chips = 55 calories and the cottage cheese is 90 calories with 11 grams of protein.

Since my last post I officially started my 12 week training plan for a half-marathon that I am doing on November 27th. I run 3 miles twice a week, 4-5 miles once a week and 6+miles once a week. That is between 15-20 miles each week. Plus, I try to cycle at least once and strength train at least twice. Its a lot to get in but I am going to keep "Triing"

Until next time... Be strong, don't quit and enjoy the ride :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 7th, 2011 - Food Journal Entry

This was not one of my best days.  I wasn't able to get all of my calories in like I should and I also didn't get all of my fruit.

   3/4 cup Special K Protein Plus
   1 cup 1% milk
   Grande Non-fat Caramel Macchiato

   2 slices of Whole Wheat Bread
   2 TBSP Peanut Butter
   1 TBSP Reduced Sugar Grape Jelly
   1 Apple

   1 Pretzel Rod
   1 TBSP Peanut Butter

  Chicken (recipe below)
  Green Beans  
  Salad w/ Balsamic Dressing

 Jello Sugar Free Pudding cup w/ Fat Free Redi Whip

TOTAL 1577 calories; 102 protein; 21 fiber

EXERCISE: Spin Bike moderate speed 40 min; Swim 400 meters;  run 1 mile

RECIPE:   Chicken with Mayonnaise and Parmesan  (190 calories; 29 g protein)
                        5 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts (Perdue Perfect Portions is what I use)
                        1/4 cup of Light Mayonnaise
                        1/8 cup of Grated Parmesan Cheese
                        1/2 cup of seasoned bread crumbs

                   Mix the Mayonnaise, Parmesan Cheese, and Bread Crumbs together

                   Spread the mixture on the top of each chicken breast

                   Place the chicken in an oven at 400 degrees for about 15 to 20 minutes until brown.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Nutrition, Exercise, and Rest

I have had many requests via Facebook and through conversations as to what I am doing to lose weight and ensure enough fuel to train and exercise.

Well it is nothing new or innovative, its the same thing we have all been told time and time again but most of us especially me, would rather follow some "diet plan" that claims to be easy and quick and guarantees success.

Well, I am here to say I quit.  I quit diets.  I am going to eat my way to weight loss and good health.

Now, I am NOT a Registered Dietician and I am not a doctor so please consult with either before you begin any regimen.  I am just simply sharing what I am doing based on a plan that was tailored for me based on my weight, desired weight loss, and activity level.

Step 1:  Nutrition is key.  My goal is:   1800 calories; 80 g protein; 25 g fiber; 250 g carbohydrates
                                                              Whole grains only; 5 servings fresh fruit and vegetables;
                                                              protein derived from lean meats, legumes, and dairy.

Step 2: Exercise is essential.   My goal is:  cross train 4 days per week (run/bike/swim)
                                                                   resistance training 2 days per week

Step 3:  Rest is necessary.     My goal is:   Sleep at least 6 hours consecutively at night, take
                                                                     at least one day off from exercise.

Step 3 is very difficult for a mom of a child with Type 1 Diabetes.  You see we have to check her blood sugar at midnight, 3 am, and 6 am every single day.  60% of the time it is a quick finger poke and back to bed but the other 40% of the time we must intervene.  We may have to give her juice or candy if she is too low, or we may have to give her insulin if she is too high.  We must then check her again until we are comfortable with where her blood sugar is.  Thus there are many nights where I could be awake from 3 am to 5 or 6 am.  For most people 8 hours is a better number for sleep and will help with weight loss and energy.  To make up for it, I try to nap many days if possible.

I promise you, this is the easiest plan I have ever followed.  I am never hungry and I feel terrific.  Now, there are days when it is difficult to track everything, for instance when you are at a restaurant or on vacation.  It takes determination and you will see I am sure I will have days when I don't succeed but you just have to keep Tri-ing as will I.

One tip I have is I purchased a composition book.  I hand write everything I eat and list the calories, protein, fiber, and carbohydrates.  At first, it is a little time consuming but after a week or so, it becomes second nature and much of the data will already in your book.

Labels of course is the best tool.  If you have a packaged food, use the label or paste it in your book.

Track3 Smartphone app.  If you have a smartphone, apps are terrific.  I use Track3 because it helps with Carbohydrate tracking for Sophia's Diabetes.  It is designed for Diabetes but has a great search function for Nutritional content for all foods and many common restaurants. Cost $5.99

LoseIt Smartphone app.  This is one of the apps I used previously to track everything.  It is a great tracking tool and has a pretty good database of nutritional content.  It also helps calculate exercise calories burned.  Cost $FREE

RunKeeper app.  I use this app for my runs and cycling but there are numerous exercises that it can help track.  Cost $FREE

CalorieKing Book.  I have this to help track carbohydrates again for Sophia but it also helps to find nutritional content should you not have a smartphone or you just want a book to flip through.

I am sure there are numerous other apps and tools, so please feel free to share them as you find them.

I will also be posting menus and recipes, so look for those to come.

Signing off for now...


All About Me

Ok, so I'm a little behind the times and I finally decided to start my very 1st Blog.

Why did it take so long, you ask?

Well, I didn't think I had anything interesting to share and I didn't really think I had the time to dedicate to it.  But as I continue to Facebook and talk to people, I realize maybe I should share more.  It could be therapeutic for me and it might just help someone else.

So here it goes...

I'm 38 years old, a wife and stay-at-home mother of two girls, one in a million, right?  My 4 year old, Sophia was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes (aka Juvenile Diabetes) at the age of 21 months.  At the time of her diagnosis I worked full time, and was about 10 weeks pregnant with our second daughter, Scarlett.  After the birth of Scarlett in October 2009, we decided it would be best for me to stay home with the children to provide the best care for Sophia and manage her Diabetes personally.  It all sounded like a dream come true, you know "retiring" at 36.  I thought I hit the jackpot.

I imagined waking up every morning, preparing breakfast for the munchkins, and sitting on the couch with my warm cup of coffee watching the Today Show.  Then leisurely getting dressed and maybe go to a park or have a picnic.  In the afternoon I imagined the girls taking a long nap while I caught up on some chores, or played around on the computer or maybe even take a nap myself.  Then I would prepare a delicious dinner ready for my husband when he came home from work and we would all sit at the table and have a wonderful family dinner.  Then baths, story, and bedtime for the kiddos and couple time for Michael and me.

HA HA HA HA....  The joke was on ME!  So while I still strive for the Cleaver Household, it is far from reality.

In the beginning, it took everything I had to make it through a day without crying or just wanting to run away.  Taking care of an infant is hard enough, but add in the rigorous care it takes to manage Type 1 Diabetes let alone for a two year old, it can be more than you think you could ever do.  My entire day was just feed the kids, clean the poop, check the blood sugar, inject the insulin, console the crying, feed the kids, clean the poop, check the blood sugar, inject the insulin, console the crying, feed the husband and the kids, ...  you get the picture right?  It was a vicious loop.

So, I titled this "All About Me"  right?  Well, that was just it...  There was no "Me".  There was Sophia, Scarlett, and Michael, but where was I?  Who was I?  What am I?  It has taken me a long time to figure that out and I am still working on it.

Fast forward to Scarlett's 1st Birthday, October 2010.  I found myself a good 50 lbs overweight, miserable, and tired all the time.  I knew I had to do something but wasn't sure what.

I had always been a pretty active person.  I loved to exercise but who has time for that?  Let alone the money for a gym membership when we were down to only one income.  I knew I could start Weight Watchers again so that might work.

Weight watchers worked a little but I missed exercise.  I pondered for a while and I finally convinced my husband it had to be done.  I joined the YMCA and started working out again.  It was great.  The kids seemed to love it there too and I could have some "me" time.  It was a win-win situation and Mommy began to smile again.

So a few months in, January 2011 I was convinced to join the Triathlon Club at the YMCA.  I chuckled and thought there was no way I could do it, but it wouldn't hurt to try, or shall I say "Tri"...

During the first practice I discovered I couldn't run more that 1/4 mile without having to stop and catch my breath.  I discovered I had no idea how to swim and was terrified of lakes.  As far as biking I knew that would be easy, but boy was I slow.

So, that being said I needed a goal.  I signed up for a "Super Sprint" Triathlon in March 2011.  Thats 250 meter swim (in a lake), 7 mile bike, and a 2 mile run.  Then I also signed up for a "Sprint" Triathlon in May.  Thats a 750 meter swim, 12 mile bike, and 3.1 mile run.

I went to every practice and by March, I felt ready.  Day of the race, not so much.  The butterflies were intense and I had my doubts but I had to do it.  So... I dog paddled the 250 meters, I walked my bike up the first hill, and I walked about 1/3 of the run portion.  BUT....  I DID IT!!!  I crossed that finish line and I was hooked.

By the time May came around, I felt even better and I swam the 750 meters (no dog paddling), I biked the whole 12 miles, and I ran the entire 3.1 miles.  WOW.  I couldn't believe how far I had come.  Now I am ready to move up in the world and am working toward my 1st Half Marathon in November 2011.  From there, I plan to do a 100 mile bike ride in July 2012 to raise money for JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) and compete in a Half Ironman in September 2013.

That sums up my physical activity, but there is more...

You see, I am still 35 lbs overweight.  I know I am in pretty good shape physiologically but my appearance still needs some work.  I found myself over the last year trying everything I could to lose those pounds but I couldn't really stick to anything for long.  I knew I had to eat to train as hard as I do but how do you do that and still lose weight?  I finally realized I needed a professional.  No more magazine articles, or websites, or IPhone apps.  I needed a Nutritionist/Dietician to set me straight.

So I met with one.  I asked my regular physician to refer me and she did.  It took one session and I finally got it! While I heard the same thing over and over, I didn't believe it until now.  I was not eating enough.  I tried to manage on 1200-1400 calories per day.  But that was all I tracked.  What I was told is that I not only need 1800 calories per day but I also needed 80 grams of protein and 25 grams of fiber.  Oh and I HAVE to starting eating more fresh fruits and vegetables every day.  5 servings at least.

Now my path is paved and I am off and running or rather Tri-ing.

Oh and the answers...
Where am I?  First and foremost (but the others are really close behind ;)
Who was I?  I am a Amy, a strong, confident, smart, woman
What am I?   I am a force to be reckoned with. I am a Triathlete, a wife, a mother, and hopefully an       inspiration to others.

To sum it up, I am starting this blog for a few reasons.  First to chronicle my weight loss journey and to share with others what I am doing to help spread the knowledge that you have to eat to lose weight.  Second to help anyone who is sedentary to get moving and have fun with it.  Lastly to share the daily life of managing Type 1 diabetes for a child and to spread awareness of the disease.

I hope you enjoy but most of all I hope you join me and remember all you have to do is "Tri".